Thursday, February 5, 2015

What Flowed Through my Mind This Morning

Inspiration is all around us.  The energy and brilliance of that which gives us electricity flowing through our bodies can be found around us at any given moment if we can peel back the film from our eyes which prevents us from clearly seeing such muses. I see my muses in the bee that drinks sweet nectar and collects pollen on his tiny legs.  I see my muse in the vibrant red maple leaves twisting and turning on their stems in the crisp autumn breeze.  My muse can be a horse galloping with happiness through a grassy field or a simple dandelion that has gone to seed.   My inspiration flows in streams and rivers, floats delicately on quiet lakes, moves gently among the leaves in the trees, scurries quickly with the squirrels, swiftly flies with birds, delicately drifts like the scents of spring flowers, sways repetitively to the timing of the breeze like the tall grass of summertime and dances elegantly like a butterfly in the sky.  The immense beauty that our own earth provides all of us is the power supply to what makes my heart tick.  I love to share with others this incredible gift we have been given through my photographs, and honestly that feels like such a tremendous blessing.  The ability to see the tiny details and intricacies of the miracle of nature all around me and to allow others to partake in this vision through my eyes is priceless.

If I am able to give someone else the gift of being able to slow down, to ponder, to wonder and question, then I have given them the ability to unlock within them their own creative desires.  What an amazing contribution it is to be able to help ignite the fire within someone to be able to observe the astonishing splendor that our planet had provided us to enjoy.  Perhaps by inspiring others, I am allowing them to express their own hidden artist?  This action alone may kindle the future of another person to express that which they see by photograph, painting, drawing or words.  There is always room for more artists, and I truly believe we all have one; sometimes living boldly or sometimes suppressed within us.  To be able to give this part of us a voice, means to pay it forward to others and share our visions with the masses.

Truly, it is an art to be able to see the intricacies in our lives.  My spirit and passion for the world around me is a gift I intend on sharing.  My inspiration surrounds me daily, and for that reason I am richly consecrated.  I feel I am obligated to share my aptitude in capturing my visualizations with my camera to enrich the lives of those around me.  I want to give them all the ability to see the same wonder with which my eyes see every day.  My inspiration, my zeal and my delight comes with a camera strap and my imagination.