Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Cinderella Story...and not the Glass Slipper Kind.

            Once upon a time, about seven years ago, I attended a concert with people I knew from a former job.  Envision it.  Poison and Cinderella, and I was STOKED to see Cinderella.  I am not a fan of Poison, so ‘meh’ on that one…but Cinderella…Oh lordy…yes please.  Give me some Tom Keifer ANY day and I will be overjoyed.

            Where does the crux of the story come into my story, you ask?  Let me tell you.

            Right now I am asking you to envision a Winnebago.  (RV for those not well versed in brands.)  There are at least 10 people in this mammoth vehicle not including the driver.  The driver and I are the only ones sober upon entrance of the vehicle at around 3 p.m. in the afternoon on this fine Saturday.  Not sure if any of you have experienced what an utter treat it is to be the only sober person surrounded by people that are shit-faced, but I can tell you this was no trip to Fantasy Island.  I had one person there that I enjoyed being around, but still…when everyone else is tripping the light fantastic with booze and I am there with my can of Coke.  Just ‘ugh’ sums it up.

            So, as we are traveling the two hours to arrive at our destination, I start to develop a headache, which I attributed to the mayhem that was occurring with the Winnebago.  I couldn’t have been more incorrect.  We arrive at Mankato MN, the destination for the concert…we grab a bite to eat…we go to the show.  Now mind you, I am not one to bring my purse into a concert normally.  I rarely even carry a purse these days at all.  I just don’t like to be encumbered with a bag of crap when I am trying to ROCK.  So, that said, I stuffed my money and ticket into my pocket and off I went.  All of us were sitting in different locations within the building.  My friend and I were on the floor up close.  I admittedly was a little giddy.  I have a massive crush on Tom Keifer and I will not lie about it.  Once we get to our seats, I feel a twinge…a cramp…and a gusher.  That’s right…I have my period.  Two weeks early as a matter of fact.  I rush off to the bathroom to find the temple of the tampons. 

            The first bathroom I went in, the vending machine was empty.  “Oh whatever,“ I say to myself.  “This arena is huge, they will have one somewhere.”  Meanwhile, my headache turns into an all encompassing demon.  Second bathroom, NOTHING.  Third bathroom, NOTHING.  There is NO damn tampons, OR God forbid, even some tug-boat sized maxi pad ANYWHERE in the building.  I ask the people that work in the arena…they even check the staff bathrooms and have nothing.  At this point, I am DESPERATE.  I don’t want to bleed through my bloomers.  I am a pissy bitch now as well, oh joy.  We all can assume why I am this way given my estrogen rush.  I begin to BEG every woman I see for a tampon.  C’mon ladies, we sisters HAVE to stick together.  (I might add, by this time Cinderella is HALF OVER.)  I FINALLY find a kind-hearted t-shirt vendor willing to check her purse for a tampon.  The only one she has was one that was not wrapped in the plastic; it was covered in make-up dust, purse debris and smelled like peppermint gum.  I didn’t care.  In fact, at this juncture I wouldn’t have cared if it gave me gonorrhea.  I just needed to stop the hemorrhage.  Anywho…I tamponed myself and went to enjoy the show.  I got to hear TWO Cinderella songs.  TWO.  Then I proceed to endure Poison…how fitting the name of the band was what I wanted to do to myself to rid me of all of agony experienced thus far in my evening.

            I survive hearing Bret Michaels sing, which to me is some sort of miracle.  “God is good!”  We all aboard the Winnebago, where I eagerly anticipate an incredibly compelling two hours worth of drunken havoc; I mean how could it NOT be, they were drunk before…they will be drunker after.  (Is drunker a word?  Right now, I couldn’t care less.)  We begin our pilgrimage back home.  Across from me, there sits a certain someone.  A gentleman that is quite large.  We are facing each other in the seats.  He is passed out from boozery.  (Yes, I do what I want with words…)  The sound being emitted from him is something akin to a death rattle.  He is drooling, with mouth agape.  He is wearing short shorts, with Ted Hose (diabetic socks that go to the knees) with tube socks over those, with sandals.  He is wearing a translucent white ‘muscle shirt’ that is incredibly tight…barely fitting over the 20 months pregnant belly.  As we roll along the dark highway, I am enthralled with the vision I behold in front of me.  I begin to ponder life.  I begin to question why I was made.  Why am I here?  What purpose did this trip serve?  What can I learn, other than to bring tampons with me at all times?  I NEED Advil.  Satan is ripping out my uterus, and I have a headache.  I hope that the one scurvy tampon I have in me will suffice until we get home.  I keep staring at the man across from me….as if I am watching people being pulled from the wreckage of a train accident.  The rumble of curdled throat aspirations coming from his wide mouth…saliva puddles form on his shoulder.  As we move onward…his shirt begins to roll up, exposing a bit of belly.  It rolls up further…and further…and further…until like someone releasing their hand from a window shade, it explodes with FURY over the top of his bulbous belly.  His gargantuan stomach exposed in full, his belly button was the size of a cup holder and his shirt was now firmly rolled underneath his D-cups.  Despite what you may think, I still kept looking.  The horrifying scene unfurling before my eyes was still NOT TOO MUCH to bear as my evening kept progressively getting worse and worse.  I mean, why NOT test this out, and see how far it is going to go.  Can’t be much more that could happen to cap my evening off, right?

            WRONG.  Wrongo, bucko.  We passed underneath a highway light…I cast my gaze downward toward my riding partner across from me.  His legs are now spread full bore, like he is going to get a gyno exam.  I see something.  No, really.  I saw it.  IT.  I saw IT.  His balls.  “NO!!!!” I think to myself.  I did NOT just see this dude’s balls.  We keep on toolin’ down the highway…we pass underneath another light and I double check to make sure I saw it right.  You betcha I did.  The whole works was situated outside of the short shorts.  The entire working unit of this man’s genital system was on display.  Before I briskly turn away, I do one more survey of the landscape of which I had been gazing upon…you know…just savor it, take it all in.  Soak it up like the ray of sunshine which it was.  Damn…life is amazing!  I turned away and thought of ways to die quickly on the way home and prayed that if it didn’t happen, that there would be some way out there of washing my mind clean of what happened.  Nope.  Still remember.  Now YOU do too!  Muahahahaha!!  My work here is done.

            HUGS and SUCH!!  ~L By the way, some of you MAY know the man of which I speak…but you can’t tell.  ;)

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