Monday, February 9, 2015

V-day...Does romance exist without electric guitars and spandex???

                All you need is love, right?  Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and my thought was I would do a slight reflection on V-days of the past.  So I thought and thought and thought.  I really couldn’t remember any historic moments in my past that rocked me to the core of my being. 

                So, Valentine’s Day…I remember that in high school an awesome guy sent me flowers to the office.  I was thrilled…but the card contained some sarcasm about “feeling sorry for me.”  SO, I pretty much thought it was an insult.  Looking back, I think it probably was not…what high school guy would buy a girl a whole bunch of red roses if he was trying to be mean to her?  Probably none, but picking up on a guy picking on me and liking me simultaneously was beyond my grasp back then.  I also seemed to have an aversion for a long time for anyone that would potentially treat me nicely.  This was NOT because I wanted to be treated poorly, but it was more that I had NO CLUE how a woman should be treated.  I didn’t have that modeled for me at home, so I just settled for never being anyone’s special someone, because I thought I didn’t deserve it.  Needless to say, I spent most nights at home.  Not much has changed.  Haha!

                I totally realize that my perception of romance WAS skewed growing up.  I had envisioned it all so differently.  You know, my imagination led me to believe that “IT” was out there somewhere.  The dream relationship HAD to be there, and I was totally going to get it!!!  Close your eyes, and envision it if you will.  (Wait…you have to read.)  I had this vision that I would marry a guy in a band.  Probably a lead guitarist, or a singer.  I would have four perfect children, three boys and one girl.  I would have this big house in LA with a swimming pool.  I would wear bikinis a LOT.  My man would never cheat on me, even though he was in a band.  (Realistic…)  We would have a recording studio in our house, and I would go listen to awesome bands record.  I would have lots of dogs. 

                Soooooooo….I have one awesome son and dogs.  Some wishes do come true.  As time went on, I started compromising more and more about relationships.  My marriage failed miserably.  I started to lose the battle with my biological clock.  My uterus and ovaries plotted to kill me.  It was either me or them…I chose me.  They are in the garbage somewhere.  However not being able to have children thins down a gal’s prospects I am sure.  As well as age…sigh.  I started accepting the fact that I would never have this thing called romance.  I am not sure I even knew what the heck romance is.  Is it even real?! 

                                My definition of love is complex.  My definition of romance is simple.  Unexpected text messages that tell me they heard a song and thought of me…a random card in the mail…a surprise weekend together without distractions…making dinner together…a drive in the country stopping to look at stars and maybe a slow dance to a song on the radio.  Hell…it really IS that simple.  A gal can dream, right? 

                I am wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day to you a little early, my friends.  Remember…if you HAVE a Valentine, don’t take them for granted.  Hugs and such…Lori  Meanwhile, it looks like I have an admirer...  ;)

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