Monday, April 20, 2015

Just Another Brick

Life is beautiful.  Every single day I see my broken pieces having more meaning.  All the cracks in my surface are there for a purpose.  I am starting to see a cohesiveness that I had never seen before.  For whatever reason, I am seeing things with a new vision and under a different light…I am thankful for this blessing.  Life is starting to happen.



Literally, my stomach is covered in scars.  I have been cut open more times than I can count.   Until recently, I saw my scars as ugly.  They were a reminder of things that I had lost.  They were a reminder of things that were taken from me against my will.  All of those nasty looking wounds that had healed over were simply the marks of the tools that had been used against me to open me up and take out parts of my body.

 The scars symbolically are the wounds that have been left by those that have harmed me.  They are the reminders that people have taken things from me that I cannot ever have returned.  They are the marks that have been left behind from people that hurt me.  The wounds that were there were sometimes visible to the world but sometimes those wounds were hidden and deep.  Sometimes those wounds were covered with a mask that displayed an illuminated smile.  The confidence that I falsely exhibited was simply a device I used to keep people from getting inside.  It was masterfully executed and it was also very effective.  I truly think my epic performance was worthy of an academy award nomination.

I took pride in the walls that I had built to protect myself.   In all honesty, I had built a formidable fortress.  I spent a great deal of time crafting some beautiful bricks.  My bricks were so artistic.  I felt as if the partitions I had created around my heart were so simply lovely that no one would notice that they were there.  I was pretty certain that everything would, by all accounts, find that I was normal.  My barricade successfully kept most people out.  Here and there, I had chosen to let a select few inside my barriers, but I was extremely picky.  Not everyone is worthy to being exposed to my weaknesses and vulnerability.  If I let just anyone in, I might be destroyed.  I had turned this game of life into a virtual blockbuster mini-series of WAR.  I safely guarded myself from all opponents.  I was in lock down mode.  My guns were loaded and I was fully prepared to kill knowing that I would rather have it be HIM or me.  It was rarely me.  Now, the few times I had managed to let someone sneak by the artillery I have to say that mistakenly I was injured.  I was foolish only a few times.  I ended up wounded.  I bandaged myself right quick, and then assisted my adversary in making more bricks.  My enemies were more than cordial with lending a helpful hand slapping down another piece of well crafted stone while I mixed up the mortar and spread it on thicker and thicker.  I really wanted to make sure those impediments surrounding my heart and frailties stayed nice and sturdy, and it is always better to work as a team when creating buffers to reality.

Regarding the scars; I am beginning to view them differently, though.  Recently I have begun, with the help of what I will call the whirlwind, to find that these defenses of mine are not permanent.   To be honest, when this whirlwind swept through, I was clinging with all my might to every possible weapon I had in my cache.  I needed the reinforcements.  I felt as if right away, I KNEW this would bring my utter destruction.  I absolutely positively KNEW that whirlwind was certainly going to destroy my life as I knew it.  I needed to hang on to safety.  I truly needed to grasp all that I had that kept me in the realm of the familiar.  The familiar for me was being suspicious that my heart would inevitably break when I made myself vulnerable.  The whirlwind has lessons for me to learn.  I decided to give this sweeping change a chance because there is something so compelling when you absolutely know that something HAS to just BE in your life.  There was no denying that my destiny was to take this course regardless of the outcome.  I embarked on my journey and let fate take its course.

So far, I have been awakened to many things.  The first is that I have been undoubtedly the cause of most of my own suffering.  All in simple acts of protecting myself unnecessarily, I have caused myself profound grief.  I mistakenly have fallen back on the notion that all outcomes will be the same as they always have been.  I have fruitlessly been defending a heart that can no longer be hurt, because in reality there is no such thing for myself unless I am the one that created it.  There are beautiful people out there, in fact there are those that want nothing more than to put on their hard hats and their gloves and take sledgehammers and break down all of the blockades I have created.  For the first time in as long as I have a memory, I have recently felt like I could really breathe.  I felt like I could relax…almost as if I had melted.  How or why is this so profound?  Well, I actually have had physicians touch my muscles and say they know I must be constantly in ‘fight or flight’ because I am physically unable to relax my muscles.  I didn’t know what it felt like to have peace.  I didn’t know what it felt like not to be used.  I didn’t know what it felt like to be loved by a man without conditions.  I have learned to breathe.  The breath I have taken is slow and deep and immensely cleansing.  I have felt things shatter piece by piece inside of me.  It is terrifying…Oh my God is it terrifying for me!  I am learning that so many of my beliefs about reality have all been created out of my self-protective illusions.  Waking up can be hard…but I have a feeling it is worth it.  The Whirlwind has created something amazing with the force of change.  I promise to embrace it fully.  Always.  As well as count my blessings every single day.  Those scars I have, they are proof that something tried to hurt me and I was stronger.  Those scars remind me of everything I was, everything I needed to heal the wounds and all that I have been through.  Those things are also things that no longer serve me the remainder of this journey.  I am clearing out the warehouse of my arsenal, I am going to break up the bricks and mortar and I shall forsake all that no longer suits my purpose.  I will love.  Nothing will stop me.  The journey has begun.